Quebec Immigrant Investor Program
Financing permitted
Obtain PR card directly, no EOI and don't need to set up business
No English requirement
Inverstment in government fund
To be eligible for this program, you must:
Have, alone or with his accompanying spouse, including de facto spouse, net assets of at least
C$2,000,000 obtained legally, excluding the amounts received by donation less than six months before the date on which the application was filed.
Have experience in management in a legal farming, commercial or industrial business, or in a legal
professional business where the staff, excluding the investor, occupies at least the equivalent of two full-time jobs, or for an international agency or a government or one of its departments or agencies.
We define management experience as the exercise, for at least two years in the five years
preceding the application for a selection certificate, of duties related to the planning, management and control of financial resources and of human or material resources under your authority; the experience does not include experience acquired in the context of an apprenticeship, training or specialization process attested to by a diploma.
Intend to settle in Quebec and sign an agreement to invest C$1,200,000 with a financial
intermediary (broker or trust company) authorized to participate in the Investor Program.
The assessment of your application will also take into account other factors such as your age, the
nature and duration of your professional training and your language skills.